Page 5 - Book 121 How can we make a musical instrument? Peapod Readers
P. 5
Zoe and Fred were in the town centre.
Zoe said, “What fantastic music!”
musical instruments
“We don’t need to buy musical instruments,”
Fred said, “I’d like to play music.” said their mum. “We can make some.”
Zoe said, “Me, too, but we haven’t got any “How?” asked Fred. “How can we make a
musical instruments.” musical instrument?”
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3/19/21 8:53 AM
How Can We Make A Musical Instrument 01-24_Chit1P.indd 4-5 3/19/21 8:53 AM
How Can We Make A Musical Instrument 01-24_Chit1P.indd 4-5