Page 12 - Book 183 Doug’s Bugs Peapod Readers
P. 12
Mini-dictionary 1 Look and order the story.
Listen and read.
brick (noun) A brick is a block pupa (noun) A pupa is what a
in the shape of a rectangle. caterpillar turns into before
You use it to build walls. it becomes a butterfly.
bug (noun) Beetles, caterpillars, recycling bin (noun) A
spiders and other small recycling bin is a
insects are called bugs. container to put things
in like paper or bottles
bug hotel (noun) A bug hotel
is a special place for so that we can use them
insects to live in. again.
rubber band (noun) A rubber
cardboard (noun) Cardboard
is very thick paper that band is a thin circle
you can use to make of rubber that you put
boxes. around things to keep
them together.
flowerpot (noun) A flowerpot
is a container for you to scared (adjective) Someone
grow flowers and plants in. who is scared, is afraid
or worried.
jar (noun) A jar is a round
glass container that has a tank (noun) A tank is a large
lid. You can keep food in glass container that you
it. can keep things in.
wing (noun) An insect’s wings
log (noun) A log is a thick
piece of wood that are the parts of the body it
someone has cut from a uses to fly.
tree. worried (adjective) If you are
worried, you are unhappy
pond (noun) A pond is a small
area of water which is big because you think
enough for fish to live in. something is wrong.
2 Listen and say.
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