Page 13 - Book 184 Everyone falls down! Peapod Readers
P. 13

Mini-dictionary  1  Look and order the story.

 Listen and read.

 circus  (noun) A circus is a group   net  (noun) A net is a piece of
 of people that travel around   material made of thin rope
 to different places doing   or wire. Some nets can
 shows in a big tent.   catch people if they fall.
 circus tent  (noun) A circus tent   outside  (preposition) Someone or
 is the big tent where the   something that is outside a
 circus does shows.   place is not in it, but is very
 first  (adverb) Something that   close to it.
 comes first comes before   practise  (verb) If you practise
 anything else.   something, you do it a lot

 high  (adjective) Something that   so that you can do it better.
 is high is a long way up.   surprised  (adjective) Someone
 high wire  (noun) A high wire   who is surprised did
 is a thin wire that is a long   not expect something to
 way up. Some people walk   happen.
 along this wire as part of   teach  (verb) If someone teaches
 the circus show.   you something, they help
 juggle  (verb) When someone   you learn about it or show
 juggles they throw lots of   you how to do it.
 things up in the air at the   umbrella  (noun) An umbrella is
 same time and try to keep   a thing that you hold over
 them there.   your head so that you don’t
 low  (adjective) Something that is   get wet in the rain.
 low is near to the ground.
 welcome to  (phrase) You say
 maybe  (adverb) You say maybe   welcome to a place when
 when you are not sure   you want to be friendly
 about something.   to someone who has just
 got there.

          2  Listen and say.

 30  After reading                                                          31

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