Page 12 - Book 185 Excuse Me, Dad Peapod Readers
P. 12
Mini-dictionary 1 Look and order the story.
Listen and read.
amazing (adjective) Something met (past tense of meet) (verb)
that is amazing is very If you meet someone you
good. know, you see them and
boring (adjective) Something speak to them.
that is boring is not very outside (preposition) Someone or
interesting or exciting. something that is outside
break (noun) A break is a short a place is not in it, but very
period of time when you close to it.
stop what you are doing. practise (verb) If you practise
building (noun) A building something, you do it a lot
has walls and a roof, for so that you can do it better.
example a house or a send (verb) If you send a message,
school. you make it go to someone,
first (adverb) If you do for example on the computer.
something first, you do it teach (verb) If someone teaches
before you do anything else. you something, they help
job (noun) A job is the work you learn about it or show
that someone does to earn you how to do it.
money. tidy (verb) If you tidy a place,
knock (verb) If you knock on you make it nice by putting
something, you hit it hard things where they have to go.
with your hand to make a wait (verb) If you wait, you
noise. spend time in a place,
letter (noun) A letter is a usually doing nothing,
message that someone before something happens.
writes on paper to give to water (verb) If you water a
another person. plant, you pour water into
the soil around it. 2 Listen and say.
30 After reading 31
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Excuse me dad_Chit1P.indd 30-31 3/22/21 9:31 AM
Excuse me dad_Chit1P.indd 30-31