Page 12 - Book 189 I’m bored! Peapod Readers
P. 12

Mini-dictionary                                                                        1  Look and order the story.

       Listen and read.

       bored  (adjective) If you are        oven  (noun) An oven is a large
             bored, you are unhappy              metal box with a door that
             because you have nothing            you use to cook food.
             to do.                         pull  (verb) If someone or
       boring  (adjective) If something          something pulls another
             is boring, you don’t like           thing, they hold it and use
             doing it because it is not          force to move it closer.
             exciting.                      same  (adjective) If two things
       brick  (noun) A brick is a block          are the same, they are
             in the shape of a rectangle.        like one another.
             You use it to build walls.     spaceship  (noun) A spaceship
       dinosaur  (noun) A dinosaur is            can take people who want
             a large animal that lived a         to travel in space.
             long long time ago.            sugar  (noun) Sugar is

       hide-and-seek  (noun) Hide-               something that you use
             and-seek is a children’s            to make food and drinks
             game. One child closes his          taste sweet.
             or her eyes and the other      tin  (noun) A tin is a metal
             children hide. Then he or           object that you use when
             she tries to find them.             you cook cakes in the oven.

       in time  (phrase) If something       track  (noun) A track is one of
             travels in time, it goes            the metal lines that trains
             into the future or back to          go along.
             the past.
                                            tunnel  (noun) A tunnel is a
       minute  (noun) You use                    long road or railway that
             minutes to talk about               goes under the ground.
             how long something takes.      wait  (verb) If you wait, you
             There are sixty minutes in          spend time doing very
             one hour.
                                                 little, before something
                                                 happens.                                     2  Listen and say.                                     SAMPLE

       30       After reading                                                                                                                                   31


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