Page 12 - Book 191 Mimi’s Birthday Trip Peapod Readers
P. 12

Mini-dictionary                                                                        1  Look and order the story.

       Listen and read.

       agree  (verb) If people agree,       news  (noun) If someone tells
             they think the same                  you bad news, they
             as each other about                  tell you something that
             something.                           makes you sad.
       cool  (adjective) If you think       popcorn  (noun) Popcorn is
             that something is cool,              grains of corn that you
             you think it is interesting          cook and they become
             or exciting.                         large and light.
       dark  (adjective) A dark place       same  (adjective) If you are
             has very little light in it,         talking about the same
             or no light at all.                  thing, you are talking
       feel well  (phrasal verb) If you           about only one thing, and
             don’t feel well, you are             not different ones.
             ill.                           scary  (adjective) Something
       late  (adverb) If something                that is scary makes you
             finishes late, it finishes           feel afraid.
             near the end of the day.       shrink  (verb) If someone or

       maybe  (adverb) You say                    something shrinks, they
             maybe when you are not               become smaller in size.
             sure about something.          space  (noun) Space is the area
       money  (noun) Money is the                 above the Earth, where the
             coins or notes that you              stars and planets are.
             use to buy things.             superhero  (noun) A superhero
       near  (preposition) If something           is someone in a film or
             is near a place, it is not           a book who is able to
             very far away from it.               do special things to help

                                                                                              2  Listen and say.

       30       After reading                                                                                                                                    31


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