Page 12 - Book 192 Monkey is missing! Peapod Readers
P. 12

Mini-dictionary                                                                        1  Look and order the story.

       Listen and read.

       departures board  (noun)             puzzle  (noun) A puzzle

             The departures                      is a fun question that
             board is the sign in a              is difficult to answer.
             train station that shows            You can buy a book

             where trains are going              that has lots of
             and when they leave.                puzzles in it.

       friendly  (adjective)                rubbish bin  (noun)
             Someone who is                      A rubbish bin is a

             friendly behaves in                 container that you put
             a pleasant and kind                 things you don’t want

             way.                                in.

       information desk  (noun)             snack  (noun) A snack is
             An information                      a small, simple meal

             desk is a place in a                that is quick to make
             train station where                 and to eat.
             you can go to find
                                            waiting room  (noun) A
             things out.
                                                 waiting room is a
       platform  (noun)                          room in a train station
             The platform is the                 where people can sit
             area in a train station             down while they wait.
             where you get on and
             off a train.                                                                     2  Listen and say.

       30       After reading                                                                                                                                   31


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