Page 13 - Book 193 Ninja Panda and Me Peapod Readers
P. 13

Mini-dictionary  1  Look and order the story.

 Listen and read.

 borrow  (verb) If you   hug  (verb) If you hug

 borrow something,   someone, you put
 you use something   your arms around
 that belongs to   them and hold

 someone else for a   them close to you,
 short time.    to make them feel

 cape  (noun) A cape is   better.
 a long coat that has   mask  (noun) A mask is

 no sleeves and goes   something that you
 over your body and   wear over your face

 arms.    or eyes.

 fight  (verb) If you fight   ninja  (noun) A ninja
 someone, you try to   is a person in a film

 hurt them.    or a book who has
 hole  (noun) A hole in   special skills like

 something is a part   fighting and moving
 of it that is open.    very quietly.

 win  (verb) If you win,
 you do better than
 everyone in a game
 or a competition.
          2  Listen and say.

 30  After reading                                                          31

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