Page 13 - Book 195 The Big White Bird Peapod Readers
P. 13

Mini-dictionary  1  Look and order the story.

 Listen and read.

 beak  (noun) A bird’s beak  shed  (noun) A shed is a
 is the hard part of   small building in the
 its mouth.   garden where you put

 find out  (verb) If you find   things.
 out something, you   sort  (noun) A sort of a
 learn about it.   person or thing is one

 fly away  (verb) If a bird   kind of that person or
 flies away, it moves   thing.
 through the air away   special  (adjective)
 from you.    Something that is
 special is better than
 hurt  (adjective) If a person
 or animal is hurt, they   other things.
 feel pain.   vet  (noun) A vet is a

 keep  (verb) If you keep   doctor for animals.
 something, you have it   wake up  (verb) If you
 and don’t give it away.   wake up someone,

 lucky  (adjective) If   you make them stop
 someone is lucky,   sleeping.
 good things happen   wing  (noun) A bird’s
 to them.   wings are the parts
 of its body that it uses
 seed  (noun) A seed is the
 small, hard part of a   for flying.
 plant that can grow
 into a new plant.
          2  Listen and say.

 30  After reading                                                          31

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