Page 11 - Book 196 The Lost Necklace Peapod Readers
P. 11

“It’s a necklace!” said Daisy. “And look –
 these are letters. C, E, A, I and L. Ceail!”

 “That’s not a word!” said Fred.

 “What does it mean?” said Daisy.

 “I know,” said Jack. “I think the letters spell
 a name.”

          “Look,” said Jack, “L-A-I-C-E. No … that’s not

          a name. C-E-L-I-A: Celia! Celia is a girl’s name.
          This necklace is hers.”

          “Oh, yes!” said Fred. “Well done, Jack.”
          “Let’s find Celia,” said Daisy. “Then we can

          give the necklace to her.”

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