Page 6 - Book 199 Where does the sun go in winter? Peapod Readers
P. 6
Chapter 1 The Earth and the sun
night day
The Earth also moves around the sun. It takes
We get our light from the sun. The Earth is 365 days (one year) for the Earth to travel all
always turning. It takes 24 hours (one day) the way around the sun.
for the Earth to turn around.
The Earth also tilts. When the part of the
When the sun is near the part of the Earth Earth where you live tilts away from the sun,
where you live, it is the day. there is not much light. The days are shorter
On the other side of the Earth, it is the night. and the weather is colder. This is winter.
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3/22/21 9:51 AM
Where Does Sun Go In Winter_Chit1P.indd 6-7
Where Does Sun Go In Winter_Chit1P.indd 6-7 3/22/21 9:51 AM