Page 12 - Book 200 Why do I brush my teeth? Peapod Readers
P. 12

Mini-dictionary                                                                        1  Look and match.

       Listen and read.

       adult teeth  (plural noun)           hard  (adjective) something
             Your adult teeth are                that is hard, is not easy
             the teeth that grow in              to bend, break or cut.
             your mouth after your          metre  (noun) You use
             first baby teeth fall out.
                                                 metres to talk about
       bite  (verb) When you bite                how long something
             something,  you use                 is. There are 100
             your teeth to cut into it.          centimetres in a metre.
       bone  (noun) A bone is one           piece  (noun) A piece is
             of the hard white parts             one part of something
             inside a person’s or an             bigger.                                                   elephant           hamster            lion
             animal’s body.                 pull  (verb) If someone

       brush  (verb) If you brush                or something pulls                                        rabbit          shark           narwhal
             your teeth, you clean               another thing, they hold
             them with a special                 it and use force to move
             brush.                              it closer.

       check  (verb) If someone             push  (verb) If someone
             checks something, they              or something pushes
             make sure that it is good.          another thing, they use
       chew  (verb) When you                     force to make it move
             chew, you break food                away.

             with your teeth.               wobble  (verb) When your
       germ  (noun) A germ is a                  tooth wobbles, it
             very small living thing             makes small movements
             that can make people ill.           from left to right.
                                                                                              2  Listen and say.                                     SAMPLE

       30       After reading                                                                                                                                   31


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