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Peapod Pal

The Perfect Reading Companion

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Our Peapod Pal apps entertain young readers and bring stories to life! Audio recordings for every title are made available and easily accessible through the apps. Not only does it make story time so much fun, it's a great way to develop children's listening and speaking skills.

How to use:

  1. Download the Peapod Pal apps from Google Play store or the Apple App Store.
  2. For Levels 1-3 titles, launch the CEFR Pre-A1 app (blue app). For Levels 4-5 titles, launch the CEFR A1 app (red app).
  3. Select "Scanning" mode.
  4. Point your camera on the cover of the book you are reading.
  5. After the title has been registered, point your camera to the page you want to read.
  6. Tap on the highlighted text to play the audio recordings.
  7. To play all texts automatically, tap on "Audio List" at the bottom of the screen.

How to use:

  1. Download the Peapod Pal apps from Google Play store or the Apple App Store.
  2. For Levels 1-3 titles, launch the CEFR Pre-A1 app (blue app). For Levels 4-5 titles, launch the CEFR A1 app (red app).
  3. Select "Auto Reading" mode.
  4. Select the level, title, and page you want to read.
  5. Play, pause, or loop the audio recording by tapping on the icons that appear on the screen.
  • Clear and accurate audio recordings
  • Practical and user friendly interface
  • Builds listening and speaking skills
  • Brings stories to life!
  • Clear and accurate audio recordings
  • Practical and user friendly interface
  • Builds listening and speaking skills
  • Brings stories to life!